got an email from pat this afternoon. just so you know, pastor johnson is one of the pastors who attended the conference craig led in 2006. he and his wife, alice, and their daughter, delight, live in kampala now where johnson attends african bible college. he has helped plan this trip and will travel with the team to lira this weekend. here you go:
"How do I put to words what we've already experienced. We did not make the market today due to problems with changing money in town. Praise the Lord the bank finally took our 'scratched' bills (apparently any marks including a fold makes our currency useless). The top of the day was tonight at Johnson and Alice's home. They hosted all 17 of us for dinner. We toured African Bible University meeting several students and one instructor. This instructor happened to a PCA mininster from the States - Christopher Copeland and his family ( He spoke to us about all the good work going on at ABU, and had high regard for Johnson and another student who met with us named Gregory. After the meal Johnson spoke incredible words to us. I will try to sum it up right here:
"You coming from so far away to be with us, reminds us of Jesus' love to us when He came so far. Even if you don't say a word in the North (Lira), you have shown us the gospel by coming". It was a great moment. Craig prayed ... It was a special evening. Alice led us in song when we arrived... There's so much more to tell, so much more.
Thank you for the blog updates. We all gather around the computer here reading your entries and the comments. John E. is getting some pretty funny comments..."
great update, pat! thanks for keeping us informed on what's going on over there with y'all.
for those of you reading this at home in the states, i think the team will be in kampala one more day and night. they can check this blog on the computer at the hotel, so send your comments before they head north to lira!
Thanks for the updates! We love hearing about what is going on! Love you Todd Christian!
~ Lisa and "baby boy"
A little music to start the day!
Rejoice for the steps of a righteous man
They are ordered of God, they are ordered of God
Rejoice for the steps of a righteous man
They are ordered of God
In the times of trouble, God will uphold you
God will sustain you, God will preserve you
In the times of trouble, God will lift you up
So rejoice for your steps are ordered of God
Dear Heavenly Father, please guide and guard TEAM REDEEMER as they travel tomorrow and please open hearts and minds through Your precious Holy Spirit, allowing those they minister to
be refreshed and revived!
We love you Lord and again I ask
that You give good health and
Joy unspeakable! In Jesus Name. Amen
I am anxiously waiting for the next report!!!
Love in Christ,
Susie Young
Ps Hi Anna Ruth and Brooke...
Give mom amd dad my love and keep a bunch for yourself, ok?!!
How God has so richly blessed you already!!! I pray that God continues to show you His beauty and grace. Wish I could be there with you guys. Love to you all.
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