Thursday, July 3, 2008

Widow's Ministry in Slums of Kampala

This is a video of the widows in the Slums of Kampala who through the ministry of another widow named Jeninah (who is actually on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ and a native Ugandan) are able to come together for Bible study. Because of their new-found profession of making necklaces from homemade paper beads, many of the widows who previously crushed rocks all day long for pennies a day, are able to at least live a life that isn't so stringent. One of the widows told a story of how rocks would fall and crush their children where the used to work. Many of them are HIV positive and still face many obstacles to say the least. They made a special point to meet us here the day the video was made. They gave us beads and sang this song for us (a completely humbling experience). All they asked was that we be marketers for their beads. So if anyone knows anyone who would like some beautiful bead necklaces or bracelets, feel free to write a request here, or talk to someone who went on the trip. They really are fashionable, but unfortunately I don't have a photo. If someone has a photo, please post it.


Anonymous said...

I am so very thankful that our Lord has brought you safely back to us. My continued prayer is that God would take the seeds you planted and make a blooming vine beyond our greatest expectations!!!
Rest well weary travelers as you now have more to do on the homefront, by spreading this precious Gospel message through the streets of Charleston and beyond. I love you though we haven't met, but someday we will and I do so look forward to that day when we are FINALLY HOME!!!
God bless Redeemer!!!
Susie Young

Anonymous said...

Dont let them many people raise their expectations then dazily life takes over and they are forgotten
